At Jack Clancy Associates, we specialize in assessment and selection for the public sector.

Performance Tests: A performance test is a replication or close simulation of an actual job task which is set up to be administered, observed, and rated under standardized conditions by a team of trained raters or evaluators. As such it is frequently more reliable and more valid than are ratings on that task from the actual job, which can occur under widely varying conditions.

Assessment Centers:  Assessment centers provide a means of gathering relevant information, under standardized conditions, about an individual’s capabilities to perform a supervisory or management job. In essence, the assessment center method gives a candidate the opportunity to demonstrate his/her abilities in a variety of situations which may not be readily observable in day to day job activities. In addition, the assessors who evaluate candidate’s behavior see all individuals from a common frame of reference during the various assessment activities. These procedures help to ensure that the judgments made are relatively free of the many forms of rater bias and can serve as the basis for accurate predictions of an individual's supervisory/managerial potential or career development needs.

Job Analysis:  Job analysis is a systematic approach to identifying the essential tasks of a target job and the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics (KASOs) required of a new employee upon entry to the job. It is also required to establish the content validity and defensibility of the selection procedure used to hire or promote the new employee.

Structured Interviews: A structured interview consists of a series of job related questions which are applied uniformly to all candidates. The interview questions are based on a systematic job analysis in which important performance dimensions are identified and operationally defined. The interview questions are designed to enable the candidate to demonstrate his or her ability to perform activities related to these important performance dimensions.

Management Style Evaluations: Management style evaluations are typically used to establish the level of fit between a prospective senior management or executive-level candidate and a specific position or role within an organization. At JCA, our approach utilizes the 16PF, a personality test that measures 16 different areas of personality functioning, which was first published in 1949 and is supported by over 50 years of solid research.

Management Succession Planning: Management succession planning could be referred to as management replacement planning. It is a systematic approach to identifying and developing internal talent to ensure management continuity and maintain the competitive advantage of the organization.